Eating Disorders


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3                   4          
   6           7               
 8               9             
10              11         12        
         13         14           
  18    19                20         
      22          23             
  25             26              


2. Persons with anorexia usually experience a loss of bone density which may result in ________________.
3. An eating disorder that is caused by a great fear of gaining weight.
5. ______are more likely to be binge eaters than anorexics or bulimics.
6. An eating disorder is present when a person experiences extreme ______________ in eating behavior.
9. Bulimics often focus on exercise as a way to ___________.
10. Stomach acids can damage __________ __________.
11. Signs of Bulimia may be scaly knuckles and /or a corroded ____________.
12. The binge eater usually feels as if they have no control over the ____________.
15. When the menstrual period ceases.
16. Binge eaters are often under a lot of __________.
17. Once the bulimic starts ____________, it becomes hard to keep anything down.
19. An eating disorder may involve severe _____________ of food intake or extreme overeating.
21. Large amounts of weight _________ and possible obesity are signs of a binge eater.
22. Examples of purging include: vomiting, __________, diuretics, enemas, and excessive exercise.
25. Persons with an eating disorder will need ________________ in order to overcome the disorder.
26. Persons with anorexia usually have a loss of muscle ____________ as well as body fat.
27. _____________ Nervosa, when people eat, then throw it up; they may have a normal body frame.
28. Eating Disorders affect both ____________, all ages, races and socio-economic levels.
29. Binge eaters often experience heart disease and/or ____________.
30. Binge Eating does not involve ____________ of the large amounts of food.


1. Bulimia can cause ___________problems.
4. Binge eaters often experience excessive __________gain/obesity.
7. Persons with anorexia usually may be struggling for ___________ over their life.
8. Persons with anorexia usually have a pre-occupation with __________.
9. Anorexia Nervosa, when the person is underweight, may lose her _________, and has distorted body images.
12. Persons with anorexia usually have low self __________.
13. Purging- using inappropriate methods of eliminating the food eaten in order to avoid ________ __________.
14. Excessive exercise/__________
18. Medications can help anorexics by increasing the _______________.
20. _________ eating involves the rapid consumption of extremely large amounts of food until the person is uncomfortably full.
23. Persons with anorexia may experience depression, which could lead to ____________.
24. Bingeing- uncontrollable consumption of very _________ amounts of food.
27. Stomach acids brought back up can _________ the esophagus.