Economics in the Fashion Industry Crossword Puzzle


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
                  1       2                   
   3            4                             
            6                     7           
       10                  11                   
13      14             15              16               
              20                   21           
            24          25                      


1. The money left over after paying for basic living necessities such as food, shelter and clothing
3. The increaseng integration of the world economy.
5. The quantity of a product offered for sale at all possible prices
6. The range of items or merchandise within categories that a company sells
10. Are intangible things that people do, such as tasks performed for customers; they are provided by producers, retailers, cosmeticians, stylists, and other individuals who bring fashion to consumers
11. Exists when a government allows products to move freely across it’s borders
14. Occurs when a country imports more goods than it exports
17. Copies of designer garments available at a reasonable price. These copies are not marketed or tagged as the original.
19. The creation of illegal copies of apparel that are sold at a lower price; may not be of the same quality as the original.
20. The money a business makes after all costs and expenses are paid
22. The range of items or merchandise within categories that a company sells
24. An international organization that promotes and enforces trade laws and regulations
26. Are tangible items that are made, manufactured, or grown.
Includes apparel, textiles, accessories, and other fashion products, from cosmetics and perfumes to furniture and cell phones
27. Exact copies of items that are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office sold illegally
28. Number of different items offered within a classification of products.


2. Goods that a country sends to a foreign source or goods that a country sells to other countries
4. Goods that come into a country from foreign sources or goods that a country buys from other countries
7. Restrictions on the amount of a particular good or service that a country is allowed to sell or trade
8. The relationship between a country’s imports and exports, and it affects the economic health of a country
9. A magazine, newspaper, book, or journal offering a variety of information to a certain industry or segment of an industry
11. A consumer magazine sold commercially, featuring articles, illustrations, and advertisements with an international emphasis
12. A nonprofit organization that provides services to specific groups who develop, make, and sell products within an industry
13. The amount of goods and services produced using labor and property located in this country
15. Occurs when a country sells more goods to other countries than it buys
16. Between the U.S. Mexico, and Canada is an example of a free-trade agreement
18. Consists of a large quantity of the goods offered
21. Profitability after the cost of making or buying the product is subtracted from the sales
23. Ratio of profitability calculated as net income divided by revenues or net profits divided by sales
25. The consumer’s willingness and ability to buy and/or use products